Loss Of Faith In Elie Wiesel's Night

Words: 525
Pages: 3

In the beginning of the story Eliezer had a very strong faith and did not want to stick to the original Talmud he is supposed to study at his age he wanted to get into the study of the Kabbalah but since his father did not want him to study such a thing yet he began to study Talmud in the day and at night the Kabbalah. Since he was devoted to studying it is safe to say that he has a very strong faith.

When they are loaded into the train and crammed together he was wondering what was going on and first they stop at a ghetto and he believed it was good since everything was run by Jewish people and his faith was a bit lower due to the fact he was ripped from his home but he still looked on the good side of things. They were once again told to move and got aboard another cramped train and this time they were going to Auschwitz and one crazy lady kept screaming of smoke and fire. He was very scared as everyone else and they shut the women up because they do not believe her. They arrive at Auschwitz and his father and him are to go to the left the survivors and they are lead into a furnace room and it smells of burning flesh. He starts to think of why god is allowing such horror to take place.

As he is in the concentration camp at Auschwitz and beaten he starts thinking that
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I believe to a certain extent that god will test you but to push you to the brink of death like Eliezer experienced I think it would completely de-sensitize me to everything that goes on and what I believe in. I think that I might have a shred of faith left but I would be left a different person and even just reading what he wrote and thought makes me question it because he was able to make me take his shoes and make me feel like I was there experiencing all the horrors of burning flesh and the child slowly