Loss Of Faith In Thomas E. Connolly's Young Goodman Brown

Words: 757
Pages: 4

Thomas E. Connolly's essay on "Young Goodman Brown" asserts that, in essence, every scholar that has reviewed this paper is wrong, including D M. McKeithan, Richard H. Fogle, Gordon and Tate, Austin Warren, and scholars like these. Almost all of them agree on one point, that by the end of this story, Goodman Brown has lost his Faith, solely based upon the statement "My Faith is gone! (309)". Connolly introduces a radical new concept that completely shifts the general scholar's point of view of "Young Goodman Brown" on its head--not only did Goodman Brown retain his Faith, he had also discovered everything that his Faith encompasses, and the horrific reality that comes along with it. Connolly argues that though some scholar's come close to the …show more content…
(310)". Connolly brings out that Goodman Brown simply learned that he was not going to heaven, or at least, the bulk of people are not going to heaven according to his Faith, in fact; they are going straight for damnation, in a fiery torment. With going into further analysis, Connolly tells about how Goodman Brown has changed his opinion on his Faith, and that his minister is a "blasphemer (310)", and with all this new, recent knowledge, Goodman Brown probably sees nothing in store for him but " 'utterly miserable' (310)" events. Connolly concludes, with a plethora of textual support that Goodman Brown has not lost his Faith, but merely gained a new vista, and discarded the old one. No one other than Connolly could have realized this since not many scholars are willing to contemplate the author's biography for new insights on the story. For example, how can one read parts of the Bible, without even being cognizant who God is, or what He represents, and how that influences everything in the book of the Bible. Connolly discovers, that along with his analysis of Goodman Brown, that Hawthorne has to be seen as a "critic (311)" of "Puritanism (311)", and sees that the truth behind Hawthorne is that he is "an anti-puritan and prophet heralding the Freudian gospel