Loss Of Innocence In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper

Words: 674
Pages: 3

“No one loses their innocence. It is either taken or given away willingly.” In the book Lord of the Flies, small children were sent from a school in England and their plane crashed in the pacific islands. The children on the island had to create their own society, which led them to lose their innocence and become savages. After the children had created their own society, chaos broke out and the children began to turn on each other. The boys on the island lost their innocence when they killed the sow, killed their friend Simon and attempted to kill Ralph.

The boys in the book began to lose their innocence when they killed a momma pig, or a sow. “Roger ran around the heap, prodding with his spear whenever pigflesh appeared. Jack was on top of the sow, stabbing downward with his knife.” The end of innocence began here. The boys had killed their first sow, now becoming killers, or savages. The boys in the book had previously been waiting to kill an animal, mainly a pig. When the boys killed the sow, they slit the sows throat and put it’s head on a stick, naming it Lord of the Flies, which is where the book gets it’s name. This was their first kill on the island, but not the last kill.

On the island,
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One of the first things that led to the end of innocence was when they killed a momma pig, which is also known as a sow and then put the head on a stick and named it the Lord of the Flies. The next thing that led to the end of innocence was when they killed their very good friend Simon, who was killed due to the fact that they thought he was the beast on the island. One of the last things that happened in the book was the attempted murder of Ralph. While attempting to murder Ralph, the boys caught the island on fire. In the book Lord of the Flies, the boys demonstrated losing their civilization and losing their