Louie Zamperini In Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers

Words: 486
Pages: 2

Louie Zamperini was an extremely successful man. He set records for his running times, and he competed in the Olympics. When I read Unbroken, I realized that there may have been some sort of correlation to the points displayed in 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, as well as Outliers. I find that within these ideas, there are some that stand out to me as ideas that pertain to Louie and his running.
In Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, Louie showed the trait of commitment. Outliers mentioned the 10,000 hour rule, and how after 10,000 hours of practicing something, you are “world-class”. When Louie started running, he practiced as much as he could, and the more he practiced, the better he became. This correlates with the 10,000 hour rule as they