Louisiana Seatbelt Laws

Words: 322
Pages: 2

There are numerous seatbelt laws, both federal and state. Federal law requires that all vehicles must be manufactured with seatbelts in both the front and back rows of a vehicle (NHTSA 1-2; 33-34). Louisiana state law requires that seatbelts must be worn in all seats and rows of a vehicle at all times (DMV 1-3). All drivers have the responsibility to fasten their own seatbelts and to ensure that all passengers are properly restrained. According to the Louisiana Legislature, being caught without a fastened seatbelt in Louisiana is a primary offense (LA State Leg. R.S.32:295.1; sec. A). In states with primary seatbelt laws, drivers are stopped and ticketed if an officer observes a passenger or a driver not wearing his or her seatbelt. (GHSA