LR - English Essay

Submitted By tokkitokki25
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Pages: 9

Module A: Comparative Study of Text and Context
Elective 1: Intertextual Connection
Reinforcing the similarities and differences of concepts and values of two texts. Talk about their contexts.

Richard 3rd (16th century – 1400s)
21st century docudrama: Al Pacino’s “Looking for Richard”
Comparative study of texts and contexts.
Finding the meanings of contexts.
KEY IDEAS: contexts, connections, perspectives and responding.
Look into the intertextual connections of both texts.
When you’re looking at the context, you’re looking at how and why Richard 3rd reflected their social and historical context. -> Why and how were these texts created?

CONTEXT: effect of social, historical and cultural texts. (What is the impact of if?)
Deformities = evil – Richard 3rd - the ‘other’
CONNECTIONS: what do we learn by exploring the connections in texts? MUST include synthesis in writing. I.e. “can also be seen in/with” Looking at tests as pair and how they creating meaning. How meaning shaped and reshaped. … by considering connections. Direct/indirect link/references… contexts and values.
PERSPECTIVE: How can we account for the cont. resonance or Richard 3rd? There are intertextual relationships. Difference context and readings of both texts. How did SP see Richard 3rd?
RESPONDING: How did you respond to the exploration of the 2 texts and their contexts? What meanings how you come up with the study of connections. After seeing the connections, you’ll see the intertextual relationship. How are they different mediums? TECHNIQUES. Docudrama medium: enactments, body images etc. Despite they are different in language forms and features, the audience can see they are interrelating in the texts.

Contexts: SP had to portray Richard 3rd as a deformed, ugly villain because he was part of the time
How is Richard 3rd relevant?
Inner desire for power. 400 years later and it’s still concerned.
The significance for Richard 3rd ,you have to look at the background of the pay.
Richard 3rd: exploration of relentless pursuit of power. (Most SP tragic plays) As the medium of the play, they’re both imitating life – it shows us human behaviour.
21st century. Pursuit of power is still a concern –relevance.
SP’s main source of information – Holinshed’s the Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. Published in 1587.
Holinshed based his information on Polydore Vergils history of English monarchy commissioned in 1485/
Sir Thomas Mone wrote history of Richard 3rd. Published in 1543.He demonised Richard 3rd > based of SP’s picture of Richard 3rd as villain (late 1591).
The Real Richard
Born into the Plangent period, very violent age.
Both parents – royalty.
At age 8, he learnt that Duke Richard of York (father) was killed in a battle and his brother, Edmond of Rutland (17years) was brutally murdered.
Twice suffered exile – consequence of war. Most men around him were either killed in battle or murdered for treason.
Richard 3rd was a really religious man. Responsible for the first legal aid system and bail.
Was a good law maker – legislated for the food of his common people.
SP couldn’t cast him as a good man. But as an enemy of the Tudor era. (Ruler of time of SP)
Social Context
Yorks were enemies of Tudor.
Purpose and intentions of SP: legitimise and affirm the throne to the Elizabethan audiences. The rightful heir to the throne.
In the pay, Richmond defeats Richard 3rd in the battle of Bosworth, therefore becoming Henry Tudor, King of England.
Henry Tudor = grandfather of Elizabeth 1st
Henry was the ruling monarch when Richard 3rd was performed.
Emergent of humanism at that time.
SP’s time reflected shift from religious ideals to a more secular exploration and fascination of what individuals can do with freedom.
Richard 3rd attacked on freedom therefore suffered from consequences.
SP tried to restore faith in God.
The play reflected tension between the providentialism (faith in God) and the growing secular interest in humanity’s free will.