Macbeth Creative Response Essay

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Pages: 2

Macbeth Creative Response
“Fly good Fleance, Fly!” shouted Banquo to his clearly distraught and fearful son. Banquo and Fleance where both out on a trip into the countryside on horseback when they were pounced by mercenaries. Fleance running into the country side turns back only once when he hears the scream of his father as one of the mercenaries plunges a dagger into his throat and forms a slit end from end. Fleance saddened by his father’s death by strengthened in resolve to avenge the injustice that had befallen him continues into the Scottish countryside. Without food or water for a week Fleance collapsed on the borders of a small town. A young women found Fleance unconscious on the ground and took him to her house and began to tend to his wounds.
Fleance awoke in the young women’s house which alarmed him as the women was nowhere to be found in the house. Fleance left the house and the women ran across and told him to rest as he’s wounds had not completely healed. Fleance untrusting of the women question why he should stay with a stranger in such times of which trust was scarce and when food was a precious commodity. The woman explains
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Fleance than began to retell the events that day his father was brutally murdered. My father and I traveled along a small forest path near the castle Dunsinane in which reigned my fathers friend Macbeth. My father was telling me of the great treachery that Macbeth had commited in order to achieve his regality. This was when the true heartles and depraved creulty that shaped Macbeth was made clear to my eyes. Macbeth had hired cutthroats to kill my fathr and I, as you well know I was lucky enough to escape. My father however no longer posses life as his throat was slashed from end to end and out from this wound seeped the substance of life. I was forced to flee on foot into the countryside until I came upon this