Macbeth Power Hungry Essay

Words: 529
Pages: 3

In the play Macbeth, the desire of power was the ultimate factor that caused the deaths of many including the life of Macbeth. Macbeth struggled to break free from the power of the witches which eventually evolved Macbeth into this tyrannical power hungry king. Macbeth’s struggle to gain and maintain power enhances the idea of having too much power can kill you.
In the beginning of the play, Macbeth shows the first signs of becoming power hungry when he finds out from the prophecies of the witches that he was going to become Thane of Cawdor, then the King of Scotland. Him and his wife weren’t satisfied with just being the Thane of Cawdor and also the Thane of Glamis. This ultimately led to them planning the murder of the present King of Scotland,
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Luckily, when the assassins arrived Macduff had already fled to England, but was unfortunate to hear about the death of his helpless family. This unforgivable act emphasizes the idea that Macbeth is willing to do absolutely anything to keep that crown on his head. This cruel act didn’t help maintain or gain any power for Macbeth, but was still committed because of the tyrannical and horrific mindset he now possesses.
This power hungry mindset Macbeth contains enhances the meaning of the work, due to the fact that each time Macbeth attempts to gain or protect his power, we see that it takes a huge toll on Macbeth and his wife both physically and mentally. The play revolved solely on the downfall of Macbeth and the selfishness that caused it. The criminal acts he committed caused him to go utterly insane (witnessing ghosts and having strange hallucinations) this also eventually led to Lady Macbeth taking her own life away from pure exhaustion and insanity. Macbeth pays the ultimate price for his greed and unacceptable actions by getting beheaded by Macduff.
In conclusion, Macbeth’s eventual downfall caused by his unsatisfying relationship with power solidifies his character and shows that nothing good can ever come out of