Macbeth's Road To Power Analysis

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Pages: 3

Macbeth seeks to gain power over others by speaking with the supernatural and by murdering individuals who are close to him. At first Macbeth wasn’t thinking about being king because his best friend Duncan is already king. In act one scene three, Macbeth is thinking that maybe he could be king. In scene three, the witches prophecies to Macbeth and Banquo. The witches tell Macbeth that he will be Thane of Glamis, Cawdor and that he will be king (1. 3.48-50). The witches also prophecies to Banquo too and tell him that his sons will be kings (1.3.67). This is what starts Macbeth’s road to power.
In act four is the next encounter that Macbeth has with the witches. Macbeth goes to see the witches because he wants to know more about Banquo’s sons
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Macbeth knew that Macduff was unloyal to him since he fled off to England, and Macbeth was angry because he wants everyone to be loyal. Macbeth was also scared because he didn't want any of Macduff’s children to become king. Macbeth goes through so much just to have more power and stay in power. Macbeth was already powerful even before he met the witches because he was Thane of Glamis, but he wanted more power. He killed people that were close to him just so he can have power over other people. He even listened to people, the witches, that he didn’t even know all because he was so ambitious.
Shakespeare uses this power struggle to teach the audience many lessons. One of the lessons is to keep our ambition in control because when we don’t have control over our ambition it can be a powerful force. Another lesson is to know the difference between a good leader and a bad leader. In act five scene three, Malcolm and Macduff talk about the qualities of a bad and good king. Qualities of a bad king are also shown throughout the play, Duncan being a good king and Macbeth being a bad king. Shakespeare does a superior job at using the power struggle to enhance the meaning of the play because he made he made it so clear to