Machiavelli's The Prince

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Pages: 4

Machiavellis wrote The Prince in 1513 during his exile. Machiavelli wrote it specifically hoping to catch the attention of Lorenzo Medici. He wanted Medici to restore him to favor, Machiavelli offered him some of his knowledge. Machiavelli talks about the states, the princes, the republics, kingdoms that were inherited. He mainly talks about the states that are the worst to keep up with which are the newer states. Machiavelli is basically trying to prove a point in the Prince about how a leader should be. How he should strive for power and treat his people. Basically trying to reach Medici how to get and maintain political power. The prince is a guide to the political climate of the time. Machiavelli wrote The Prince to prove his proficiency …show more content…
Most of their answers were very different on how Machiavelli sees a leader. My brother Chris Batista said the qualities of a great leader are someone wise and caring. Which Machiavelli says a leader should not be kind he should be cruel. My brother chose Bill Clinton as a great leader today because Bill gave the United States a surplus, spending money which we really needed, then he concludes by saying Bush came and put us in debt. I had a telephone interview with a high school friend Thalia Villanueva she said one of the qualities of a great leader is someone that cares about someone other than themselves. Which Machiavelli states a lot how the prince should not really care about what the people think of him which is kind of selfish and not caring about what people think. Thalia said one of the great leaders today she thinks is Angelina Jolie because she has helped so many people around the world and is a great humanitarian. I had a telephone interview with my old friend Carol Kaufman she said a quality of a great leader is someone with good morals she chose Pope Frances because he has attracted so many non catholic believers to the church and has taught us many good things about our father. I had an face-to-face interview with my manager at work Tovah Lueck she said someone who doesn’t give up is a great leader she chose Lance Armstrong because he has