Macro Polo Research Paper

Words: 506
Pages: 3

Macro Polo was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. Venice was a commercial city and his father Niccolo and uncle Maffeo were a merchant and explorer.

In 1260, Niccolo and Maffeo decided to make a great junior to the east. After they had arrived in China, there was Kublai Khan that was a king of China. While they were in China, Kublai Khan told them he want to know about their religion which is Christian because he would teach his people also he suggested to them that returned to Venice and came back to China whit a100 of Christian. They accepted his idea, and they left.

In 1271, Niccolo arrived to Vince. Unfortunately, his wife died and, when his son at 15 years old. Therefore, they decided to return to China with Kublai’s order but they want to take another way to have new experiences and meet other people. While they were on their way, they pass through the Gobi desert where a longer way in their journey was. Unluckily, when they arrived in China, the 100 Christians were died because they do not have knowledge about long trips while Niccolo, Maffeo, and Marco have experience. Kublai Khan deprecates their story. However, Marco's father decided to go back to Venice while he will leave his son as a hostage until he comes back again. Marco lived in China 17 years in that time he studied a lot of skills and experience such as China language and cultures also he had several of the skills of wars such as ride horses and duel.
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In same that year, Kublai allowed him to return to Venice and provided that took Kublai’s daughter whit him because Kublai wants to wed his daughter for the hunk of Iran. Marco decided to go to Iran with huge fleet around 600 soldiers while they reached to Iran there were 118 soldiers still