Madame Manet At Bellevue

Words: 327
Pages: 2

Madame Manet at Bellevue is an oil painting by Edouard Manet. In this piece, Madame Manet is posed sitting on a brown bench. She is wearing a yellow-whitish beach hat. On the beach hat, there is a violet color scarf that is wrapped around her face. Also, she is wearing a white, silk scarf with a long, light brown overcoat. Inside the overcoat, she is wearing a brown shirt. She is posed with her hands clasped together on her lap. You cannot see Madame Manet’s facial expression, but the viewer can presume she has a stern face. The reason is that the muscles in her face are relaxed and her lips are parted closed. In the background of the painting, there are green trees that have some leaves that are turning yellow. This indicates that the season is transitioning from summer to fall. Also, there are short, green bushes that are growing on the side of the grey, stone walkway. The colors of the overcoat and trees seem soft and blended. The light source is behind the trees because they cast a shadow on the grey walkway. The painting uses perspective because the vanishing point is near the bushes and the walkway makes the painting seem long and 3-D. …show more content…
The painter chooses a view that does not allow the viewer to see the Madame’s whole face and a hat covers the Madame’s face, so nobody knows if she is actually Madame Manet. In addition to that, Madame does not wear any distinctive clothes nor have any distinctive facial expressions and features that allow the viewer to verify the person in the painting. This painting depicts secrets. The Madam covers her face with a hat which depicts secrecy. Her relaxed body language shows that she is expecting to meet someone. The painting is set in a public, quiet setting, so she does not look suspicious when she is meeting that