Major: Employment and Business Degree Essay examples

Submitted By brieeblat19
Words: 532
Pages: 3

Brianne Blatney
October 8, 2014
FYE MW 9:00-9:50am
Professor Little

My Major As an eighteen year old entering college, I had no idea what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Which I am okay with, because really, what teenager knows exactly what they are going to do? While I am still not necessarily sure as to what I would like to do, I now have a better idea and have gained more knowledge on what is out there while taking this first year experience course. I took the intro to business course to mainly see what it was about, and honestly, it may be the route I decide to go with. So far, I have enjoyed learning about everything this class covers. I also may choose this as my major because of how general it can be. There is really so much you can do with a business degree, and with me still being unsure of what I would like to do, it seems like the best option for right now. In high school, I took a tech-prep course for cosmetology. During this time I received my cosmetology license. I am certified in hair extensions and I am certified in tanning. Though my time as an intern in a salon was not the best experience because of the attitude of the employers, it kind of made me want to be able to do my own thing while still being able to do something that I enjoy. I have always kept in the back of my mind the idea of owning my own salon one day. By having a business degree, I could make that possible. Where as many people who receive their cosmetology license would stop there and go into a salon, I wanted to continue my education and have more options for my future. I enjoy doing hair, but I also enjoy the nails and skin part of cosmetology. What I don’t necessarily like is being told what to do. By opening my own salon, I could not only be the boss of myself, but I could choose how I want the