Major Events In A Woman's Life Essay

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Pages: 7

1. Choose one of the following major events in a woman’s life. Describe what is happening from a biological perspective, then discuss the social ramifications of the event. c) Pregnancy During the very first days of pregnancy a woman doesn’t know that she is pregnant. The presence of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the pregnancy hormone, is very minute in the first couple days after conception but will rapidly increase as time goes on. A blood test will pick it up sooner, but a drugstore pregnancy test will pick up the hormone about 6 days before the missed period. Being pregnant means that a sperm cell has made contact with and penetrated the woman’s egg it become a zygote. After the egg and sperm become one the cells begin developing and dividing into a “blastocyst” (in class). The blastocyst is ready to be implanted into the woman’s uterus, it borrows under the blood-rich lining to safely begin development of the amniotic sac and yolk sac in the cavities in the blastocyst. The amniotic sac provides encases and protects the embryo it is a source of nourishment, what one eats can also flavor the amniotic …show more content…
A lot of policing goes on to a pregnant woman, from the spouse, to family members, to friends and even strangers. In The Politics of Women’s Bodies, it is described, “there is no way to define of what a pregnant woman must sacrifice for fetal benefit” (Daniluk, 284). When a woman is visibly pregnant the cashier will sometimes deny her the right to buy alcohol or cigarettes or coffee (pregnancy police presentation). These people in a woman’s life are called the “pregnancy police” and they do two things. The first is that they assume that the mom-to-be is less competent and needs guidance even when she does not ask for it. The second is that she is considered a vessel for a baby whose rights supersede her