Malcolm X Influence On Religion

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Pages: 4

Malcolm X, a Muslim preacher, accomplished tons of things that ordinary people could not accomplish but the end had to come to Malcolm X. He did a lot of things in his life. But we don’t know everything about him.
Malcolm was born on May 19 in Omaha, Nebraska. When Malcolm was a young boy, his mother told him this account of how racist violence had threatened the life of his family even before he was born. This heritage of racial violence places him symbolically in a long time of black freedom fighters. The last time Malcolm saw his father alive; Malcolm was about six years old. His parents always fought. As his father was walking up the road, his mother who was given prophetic vison, feeling that something terrible was about to occur. Earl Little laid on the caliche from getting by a car by most likely by the Black Legion, a Klan-like group that burned down the Littles house two years before. Louis Little, Malcolm’s mother, was West Indian who looked a white, Louise tended to favor the darker children, punishing Malcolm more severely than she otherwise might.
Malcolm got into fighting with younger brother. He also took fighting outside of his household by fighting with the others boys at school. Malcolm and his brothers started there life of crime. Malcolm was sent first to a foster home, and then a detention
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Malcolm looked twenty-one but wasn’t quite there. He was barely sixteen. He worked as a shoe cleaner. But when he got to the age of twenty-one Malcolm busted of possession of stolen property. And Malcolm was convicted and sentenced for ten years. While he was there he Allah and the religion of Islam, and it completely transformed his life. Malcolm actually preferred solitary confinement, when he was in prison. He was like a caged animal while cursing god and man. He was so mean to the other inmates soon had their own nickname for Malcolm, it was