Mandatory Voting In The United States

Words: 369
Pages: 2

Mandatory Voting
Ever since the beginnings of America, people have been seeking suffrage. Voting is one of the best ways that allows you, as a citizen, to have an impact on your community, state and country. Each individual has equal opportunity to vote, but if they are not voting, then others that are voting have an advantage. This is why mandatory voting needs to be implemented into elections.
America has a type of government called a Democracy. A Democracy is a system of government by the whole population. The problem is that not everyone is voting meaning that our Democracy is no longer that.
Voter turnout is a problem for all elections. From Presidential to local elections. Some of you in the class might be old enough to vote this year. If you are, do you know all of your local candidates. For an example, Michael LaPaglia is running for the North Carolina Secretary of State position against Elaine Marshall this year. Mandatory voting would make citizens better educate themselves. Citizens would know who Michael LaPaglia is and what he is running for. They would know who has realistic plans and which candidate would be better suited for that position. Candidates would be
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Without mandatory voting, like right now, all a candidate has to do is target groups of supporters. For instance, Hillary Clinton’s supporters are people that do not like Donald Trump, and surprisingly, Trump’s supporters are people that do not like Hillary. Each candidate just attacks each other because they get their supporters from doing this. Attacking each other has nothing to do with politics and doesn’t show how they would be better suited for the presidency. They do not have an interest in the population, but just an interest in their supporters. Mandatory voting would put pressure on politicians to represent the beliefs of all citizens creating an easier way to determine the best