Man's Brain: Men Vs. Women

Words: 312
Pages: 2

It is interesting how the brain reacts to porn, it’s almost hypnotic. Struthers (2009) states, “A man’s brain is a sexual mosaic influenced by hormone levels in the womb and in puberty and molded by his psychological experience. Male brains can be very different from female brains because of this.” Struthers goes on saying that men stimuli differently than women, and men are more sensitive to visual cues for sexual arousal. Professor Jacqueline Iaia stated in the classroom that men are 90% sexual and 10% emotional, and on the contrary, women are 90% emotional and 10% sexual, that explains why men’s visual cortex is more active in men than women. The brain is a very complex organ and is a long process of what happens in the brain when men watch