Manufacturing in the Us Essay

Submitted By snoopyjus
Words: 308
Pages: 2

Manufacturing in the United States Manufacturing is the act of making something on a large scale using machinery. Manufacturing plays an important role in the economic standpoint of the United States. Within the country, manufacturing has expanded in most districts with a continually steady overall growth. However, the highest reports of growth in manufacturing came from heavy equipment manufacturing and steel. The demand has boost by a robust growth in agriculture, energy and auto-manufacturing sectors. The demand is weaker in the housing-related subsectors. The first quarter of 2010, showed an almost 20 percent growth in the productivity rate of manufactured goods from the last quarter of 2009. Manufacturing productivity has consistently exceeded the rate of nonfarm business since 1987. Durable manufacturing also consistently shows a higher productivity rate than nondurable manufacturing within the United States. Although the steady rise in productivity seems to be an advantage, the United States has been warned to be cautious.
Although manufacturing in the United States is on constant rise; the employment of manufacturers is on a downward slope. The act of having machinery perform the majority of the work for employees only decreases the need for actual workers. The employment decrease has steadily declined since 1966.
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