Maria Perez Speech

Words: 543
Pages: 3

On September 11, 2001, Maria Perez was sleeping peacefully without a care in the world. Her roommate burst through the door and shook Ms. Perez from her deep slumber until she opened her eyes and told her that an two airplanes had crashed into the twin towers. She was startled but as soon as she processed the words her friend had mentioned she was shocked, as to how an airplane had crashed into a tower. She turned on the TV and the first thing that popped on was the news reporters talking about two airplanes crashing into the twin towers, and they showed images of smoke coming from the towers, people bleeding, flames everywhere, and it was all chaos. In her 34 years of being alive she hadn’t seen something so horrendous and devastating, she was sad and felt bad for the people who died and left their families or loved ones behind. …show more content…
Perez started to call her husband because she was worried, since he was working in NY, Manhattan.The call didn’t get through until five calls later and they were able to talk and he told her that he was fine but there were a lot of people sitting on the ground trying to make calls, fire trucks and police cars trying to get to lower Manhattan where Twin Towers were located.She had to go to work and was going to take the bus, as she approached the bus stop that was five minutes away from her house she saw a lot of traffic and while waiting somebody told her that the buses weren’t working. Being on 57st West New York NJ she had to walk 30 minutes to get to work and when she got there the security guard told her that work was cancelled. She was infuriated that she had just walked 30 minutes for nothing and was heading back home but realized that she was in a state of shock and hadn’t noticed that the USA was