Marine Debris In Brazil

Words: 423
Pages: 2

The article investigates the impact of increasing amounts of marine debris is having on the five species of sea turtle found in Brazil. These species are; Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas, Lepidochelys olivacea, Dermochelys coriacea and Eretmochelys imbricata – the first three are on the IUCN list of threatened species and the last two are on the IUCN list of critically endangered species. There are many reasons for the decreasing populations of sea turtles which include, rising temperatures causing egg incubation issues, getting caught as bycatch and the ingestion of marine debris. Plastic pollution is one of the main types of marine debris which has been known to block the intestinal tract of turtles, can also cause lipid metabolism disfunction which makes them more buoyant meaning they cannot hunt for prey or avoid predators.

As a result, the experimenters studied the frequency of sea turtle species ingesting marine plastic, the effect it is having on them and the risks of ingestion.
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studied 23 sea turtles in Rio de Janeiro that had been found dead, or were dying after rehabilitation, near the coast of Búzios and Cabo Frio. This investigation began in January 2011 and continued throughout the year. Of the 23 sea turtles examined, 15 of them were of the species: C. mydas, four were D. coriacea, two C. caretta and one each of L. olivacea and E. imbricata. Once species were identified, their condition was recorded into categorises from good through to cachectic. Then a postmortem was taken of each turtle’s digestive tract and any nonbiological material found was recorded and placed into three different divisions decided by the source of the object – urban waste, sewage waste or