Marked Woman Unmarked Men Rhetorical Analysis

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The discussion and explanation of gender politics and issues relating to privilege is often a difficult narrative to construct, however in Deborah Tannen, “Marked Woman, Unmarked Men”, Monica Vendituoli, “#NotAllMen but #YesAllWomen”, and Amandla Stenberg, “Don’t Cash Crop on My Corn Rows” they all tackle this topic effectively. In Tannen’s article, she argues that women are marked and can not escape this fact, particularly in the workplace. Vendituoli, in a similar sense, argues that women are being discrimination and violently on campus and the public must address this issue. Stenberg also speaks on issues relating to privilege but brings more to not only to strengthen the argument but has a level of persuasion not seen in the other articles. …show more content…
For instance, Tannen points that women are unable to avoid judgment and it has adverse effects on their ability to maneuver through the corporate world. She pairs this assertion with all too relatable scenarios like the inevitable assumptions many make on women’s appearance.Tannen states situations such as the judgment women would face if she is wearing makeup or not and "opens her character to interpretation"(Tannen,70). By utilizing relatable occurrences, whether the reader agrees with the assertion or not, they can not say her point is false resulting in an effective argument. In a similar method,Vendituoli speaks on the violent women face and argues their points by demonstrating real cases/voices and how frequent campus rape is. In this way, Vendituoli mirrors Tannen method of using actual occurs in order to sway their reader. It results in a compelling assertion as she has numerous testimonies to back up she claims in the form of tweets and statistics. Yet as intriguing and effective as Vendituoli, “#NotAllMen but #YesAllWomen” & Tannen, “Marked Woman Unmarked Men"they do have flaws which become apparent when compared to