Martin Luther And John Calvin's Reformation

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Pages: 10

Describe some of the things in the Catholic Church that people like Martin Luther and John Calvin said needed reforming?

A main thing that Martin Luther was against was the sale of indulgences, which allowed a person's sins to be paid off and forgotten about. The more money people spent, the quicker the sins would be paid off, however, there was never any proof that the this was able to release you from Purgatory. The money from this went towards raising money for building St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Luther believed that you should not have to pay to get rid of your sins, but instead, through faith and your own good works, it will be forgiven by God for free. It also made more people pay money to church because they would pay for their sins to be removed.

The Catholic Church believed that if you wanted to go to
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He believed in having no religious orders and rejected good works such as fasting, holy days and pilgrimages. This is because he believed that through faith alone you didn’t need anything else to save you.

John Calvin was also a key person in the reformation of the catholic church. Although, John Calvin and Martin Luther had very similar ideas when it came to the reformation, there was a few ideas that they had different.

John Calvin believed that Salvation can only be achieved through Christ, and that everything that is needed for Salvation is in the Scriptures and that Salvation is by faith alone. Calvin only recognised Baptism and Eucharist as Sacraments, unlike the Catholic Church who had 7 sacraments all together. He also introduced a new way when celebrating liturgy on Sunday which was around the Word of God and taught people that the Eucharist was a memorial meal and nothing