Martin Luther King Jr.: The March From Selma To Montgomery

Words: 624
Pages: 3

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward”(Baile,Maria). Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of wisdom and helped lead blacks in ways to fight for their rights. One way he lead blacks to gain their right to vote and show the difficulties they faced, was the march from Selma to Montgomery. He wanted as many people as possible to follow, and he gave them faith by telling them they must keep moving forward no matter their circumstances.
In March of 1965 a protest was started by Martin Luther King Jr. The March from Selma to Montgomery was 54 miles long. This march was part of a series of protests in the Civil Rights Act in Alabama. This march was under protection of the National Guard. The original date of the march was held back because Doctor Martin was not back from Tennessee on time.
Martin Luther King wanted the march to help register blacks to vote in the south. There was a total of 2,000 marchers. This march was important because it helped raise awareness about issues blacks had to face. For example, the blacks had to take these almost impossible literacy tests. These tests consisted of questions that could be tricked into begin the wrong answer no matter what. Blacks were pretty
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This was a great achievement because they gained some blacks voting rights. Blacks were also give a stronger faith that they could eventually gain their rights. This march also helped raise awareness about the difficulties blacks have to go through, which helped people view blacks in a different but better way. Doctor Martin ended up helping thousands and thousands of lives. By him doing this, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He gained this in 1964 and he well deserved it. Doctor Martin went down as one of the best human beings because he never lost faith in his people, his ways, or