Marxism and Soviet Union Lenin Essay

Submitted By gabrielng26
Words: 502
Pages: 3

Liberalism and its Crisis
Problem occurred around the time period of WW1 and post WW1
Long 19th century I peak of liberalism’s appeal
Liberal institutions develop even when social basis is not obviously present
The middle-class in Hungary were considered non-Hungarian (often German or Jewish)
Elections occurred but it was corrupted – the leading political party had control over it
Liberalism and the working class
Extension of the franchise – the right to vote (include newer groups)
From revolutionary to evolutionary
Rise of social democrat in Western Europe. Evolutionary socialism and reconciliation with liberal democracy: electoral liberalism
What about the revolution?
Marx believed that communism would occur when capitalism is at its peak of its development
Lenin: revolutionary movement of under conditions of authoritarianism (no constitution) – Russia
Conspiracy – due to the circumstances of the autocracy, the party must be underground
Workers only capable of “trade union consciousness” (workers are not conscious of the power that they have socially and politically)
Marxism and economic backwardness
Russia was one of the most backward countries in Europe
Working class revolution, with small working class
In 1917, World war and revolution occurred
Lenin believed that capitalism in Russia is maintaining at a very rapid pace, and stages of history could be telescoped
The revolutionary party becomes the substitutes of the working class
World revolution or world power
World revolution fails to materialize
Lenin believed that revolution will happen everywhere. However, in reality, these revolution never became successful
From insurrectionism to statism – supporting communism means supporting the Soviet Union
Lenin: “Communism = Soviet power + electrification.”
It didn’t solve the problem that existed

Stalinism: terror and progress
Stalin believed that Agriculture needed to be collectivized by the state
Terror and secret police
Purges and famine…
The “Holodomor Famine” (death by hunger for example) alone killed at least four million people in 1929-1933
During Stalin’s reign, famines killed somewhere between 13 to 17 million