Mary Magdalene In A Prayer For Owen Meany

Words: 380
Pages: 2

Following Owen’s expulsion from Gravesend Academy in A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving, he decides to steal the statue of Mary Magdalene from St. Michael’s church. To get revenge on the superintendent Randy White, he welds the statue to the stage of the Great Hall. Johnny and his peers are astonished to see that Owen has removed the statue’s arms and head.
When Johnny first sees the statue on the stage, he describes how “Mary Magdalene was there to greet us: armless, but reaching out to us; headless, but eloquent” (Irving 409). The Mary Magdalene statue is used as a symbol to represent Johnny's mother Tabitha. In the bible, Mary is a disciple of Jesus who used to be a prostitute. Tabitha is seen in a similar way by the citizens of Gravesend,