Essay about Mary, Queen of Scots

Submitted By Scarlettemo21
Words: 1838
Pages: 8

Task 13: Mary Queen of Scots The most controversial but yet intriguing queen in world history. During a period of Reformation and the Scientific Revolution that brought new learning and ideas in art, science, literature, exploration, and philosophy. The religious war spread across Europe. France being Catholic and Great Britain Protestant after the Glorious Revolution and Scotland is having wars between the two religious groups. Through out her life she fought for her independence and struggled for self determination. There’s a saying that goes blood is thicker than water. This saying must not apply to blood is thicker than a throne because she died at the mercy of her own family member because of the keeping of the royal throne. Mary Queen of Scots was born Mary Stuart on December 8, 1542. Her parents were Mary of Guise and James V of Scotland. She was born in Linlithgow Palace in Scotland. She was prematurely born and was the only legitimate child of James V of Scotland. Her great uncle was Henry VIII of England. Her paternal grandmother was Margaret Tudor, who was King Henry VIII sister. Her father died six days after her birth, which was on December 14, 1542, hence the beginning of Mary’s reign. Mary was baptised after her birth at the church of St. Michael. Since Mary was an infant when she inherited the throne, her mother ordered regents to rule the homeland of Scotland until Mary becomes an adult. At five years of age, Mary was married off to Francis II of France. She spent thirteen years at the French Court. Everyone welcomed the future queen of Scotland except Catherine de’Medici, Henry II wife. Mary’s childhood was filled with preparing her to become the future queen of Scotland. During her time at court she was educated and learned many skills. She learned to play lute and virginals. She picked up poetry, horsemanship, needlework, and falconry. She learned multiple languages such as Greek, Latin, Spanish, French, Italian, plus she spoke her native Scots. Her advisors included her blood grandmother Antoinette de Bourbon. She was also very important to Mary. During her childhood Mary was diagnosed with smallpox, but made a full recovery. In paintings as a child, Mary was portrayed as very cute and pretty child and later as an very attractive and stunning beautiful female. She had a small oval shaped head, a long neck, bright auburn hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, and grew very tall. Mary did not live all her with her mom and dad. Her dad died six days after she was born; therefore she never met him. She only spent her first four years of her life with her mother until she was sent off to live in France to live with her future in laws.
Mary literally did not have to lift a finger to come to power. She immediately becomes Queen of Scotland when she was only six days old because of the sudden death of her father. She became Queen of France because of the death of the King Henry and he marriage with the dead King’s son Francis II.
On April 4, 1558, Mary signed an agreement that claims England to the French throne if she died unexpectedly. Two weeks and six days later Mary married Francis II at Notre Dame de Paris. King Henry died July 10, 1559 from a jousting accident, therefore the 15 year old Francis II becomes King of France while Mary at age 16 becomes his queen consort. Mary’s uncles the Duke of Guise and Cardinal of Lorraine dominated the French politics. Historians call this era “la tyranne Guisenne” because the Guise family was dominating. On July 11, 1560, Mary’s mother, Mary of Guise died.
Her husband Francis II died on December 5, 1560 from an ear infection that reached his brain and caused an abscess on his brain. Nine months later after her husband’s death, the grieving Mary moved back to Scotland. This caused trouble because Scotland was now a Protestant nation but Mary was a Catholic. This religious war between Protestants and Catholics was a dangerous, bloody, and political