Essay on Maslow's

Submitted By proudarmywife33
Words: 525
Pages: 3

Maslow's Hierarchy
Amanda Woodside
June 10, 2013
University Of Phoenix

Maslow's Hierarchy
I personally would have to agree that Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs makes sense to me. I do feel that everyone everywhere is definitely motivated by the same basic needs. The basic needs are things all of us need in order to survive in this world, and function in society. You can think of a baby being born. That baby must take its first breath of air once it first comes into this world in order to stay alive. This goes right in line with instinctual needs that every person who is alive must automatically have. Physiological needs are biological needs. If your basic needs are not meet, you can suffer serious emotional and psychological dysfunction, and if the person was deprived of all needs the physiological ones would come first in their search for satisfaction.

In fact the humanistic approach to psychology and the human need must be obtained in order. The feeling of being anxious and insecure as a person may be getting is a possible result of past steps that have not been finished. Therefore, if a person was in therapy and the therapist would point this particular person to the second step in the hierarchy. “With their physical needs relatively satisfied, the individual’s safety needs to take over and dominate their behavior. These needs have to do with peoples yearning for predictable, orderly world in which injustice and inconsistency are under control, the familiar frequent and the unfamiliar rare”
(http://en’s_hierarchy_of_needs). Anxiety comes from the fear of not knowing, or something is unexpected.
I find the need for self-Actualization challenging for me. It is hard for me to know exactly “what I was born to do”. Just like a ball player must get out on that ball field and hit, catch, and breathe baseball. I am not actually sure what I was meant to do, and hope I am in the right direction. If a person feels like it