Mass and Assignment Total Marks Essay

Submitted By parlets
Words: 529
Pages: 3

Due date:_____________ Name:_______________________

Newton’s 1st Assignment
TOTAL MARKS = 21 Hewitt Chapt. 3-5

Section A (circle the letter of the best answer; 1 mark each)

1. The law of inertia states that an object a. at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an outside force. b. will continue moving at the same velocity unless an outside force acts on it. c. will continue moving in a straight line unless an outside force acts on it. d. that is not moving will never move unless a force acts on it. e. All of the above

2. The law of inertia applies to
a. moving objects.
b. objects that are not moving.
c. both moving and non moving objects.

3. If you were in a space ship and fired a cannon ball into frictionless space, the amount of force needed to keep it going would be
a. twice the force with which it was fired.
b. the same amount of force with which it was fired.
c. one half the force with which it was fired.
d. one quarter the force with which it was fired.
e. zero, since no force is necessary to keep it moving.

4. How much inertia would a 2 kg mass of feathers have compared to a kg mass of iron?
a. Four times as much
b. Twice as much
c. The same
d. One half as much

5. An object maintains its state of motion because it has
a. mass.
b. velocity.
c. speed.
d. acceleration.
e. All of the above

6. Mass is a measure of an object's
a. weight.
b. velocity.
c. inertia.
d. gravity.
e. acceleration.

7. The force required to maintain an object at a constant speed in free space is equal to
a. zero.
b. the mass of the object.
c. the weight of the object.
d. the force required to stop it.
e. None of the above

8. An object following a straight-line path at constant speed
a. has a net force acting on it in the direction of motion.
b. has zero acceleration.
c. must be moving in a vacuum.
d. has no forces acting on it.
e. None of