Massachusetts Bay Colony Settlement Research Paper

Words: 764
Pages: 4

During the seventeenth century, the colonies in New England formed commonality with identical rules but separate, differing governments. The political and social system was fully build on the Puritan Religion. The local English law was often very distinctive from the law in the London king’s courts. Some historians have compared the government in the early American colonies to that of an English town. The Massachusetts Bay Colony settlement was similar to a trading company and also a business corporation in regards to that it needed to be governed but also managed. The officers and all the freemen constituted the General Court somewhat like stockholders. And the assistants together worked as a board of directors. This analogy helps show the evolution of the individual legal system in the colony. At the beginning, the social and political system was critical and it was necessary to have a supreme lawmaker. In the small settlements, there was no absolutely separation of powers. The same people made the rules, dictated, and overall ran the colony. This kept things under control. A special court system was put in place once it was appropriately populated and have problems worthwhile.
The Massachusetts Bay Colony government did not change until it went under an advancement between 1630 and 1639. A more
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Outerwear options included gown, fitted jacket called a waistcoat, or a skirt. However, the skirt had to be touching the floor because it was not proper to show any leg, even the ankles. They then would wear a coif, which is a close-fitting white linen cap that would cover all of her hair. Cloaks made of wool would be worn in the colder weather and it would drape down the shoulders. Cloaks could have no collar, a square sailor’s collar, or a hood. Men and Woman wore the same shoes. If they violated the dress code, they would be fined or taken to court to receive