Questions On Rubric

Submitted By Jalen4142
Words: 809
Pages: 4

MATH 133 – Internet Based Project – Rubric

Purpose of and Motivation for this Assessment: Provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to use algebraic ideas to analyze an authentic problem or explore additional topics in an untimed setting.

Format of Power Point: Your project should culminate in a power point that contains the following sections. Projects that do not conform to this format may need to be resubmitted for a reduced grade: 1. Statement of the Problem: This is where you describe the problem or situation to be analyzed. 2. Analysis of the Problem: This is where you present how you used appropriate algebraic methods to analyze the problem or situation and draw relevant conclusions. 3. Results and Conclusion: This is where you state your results and/or conclusions about the problem or situation you analyzed; it should put the answer in context. Highlight any connections you made as you explored your topic.

Scoring Rubric for Power Point:

| 3 – Advanced | 2 – Proficient | 1 – Below Proficient | 0 – Unacceptable | Points | Statement of the Problem(10%) | Clearly and completely describes the problem or situation. | Clearly describes the problem or situation but omits some key details. | Does not clearly describe problem or situation. | Statement of the problem is omitted. | 10% * ______ = | Analysis of the Problem(40%) | Analysis is at a level that exceeds expectations. | Analysis is at an appropriate level and correctly uses appropriate algebraic tools and ideas. | Analysis is nearly at an appropriate level but uses algebraic tools or ideas incorrectly or inappropriately. | Analysis is well below appropriate level or does not use algebraic tools or ideas. | 40% * _____ = | Results and Conclusions(30%) | Result contains no errors or oversights, conclusions are reasonable. | Result contains minor errors or oversights; conclusions are reasonable. | Result contains significant errors or oversights; conclusions are unreasonable. | Results and conclusions are not provided | 30% * _____ = | Power Point Slides(10%) | Slides looks professional and contains no grammatical or terminology errors. | Slides looks professional but contains some grammatical or terminology errors. | Slides looks unprofessional or contains many grammatical or terminology errors. | Slides do not represent college level work. | 10% * _____ = | Presentation(10%) | Presenters are professional looking, aware of audience, organized and know the material. | Presenters are professional looking but are not always aware of audience or disorganized or do not know the material. | Presenters do not look professional and are not aware of audience or disorganized or do not the material. | Presenters do not present power point presentation. | 10% * _____ = | TOTAL POINTS:Comments: |

MATH 133 – Internet Based Project

Choosing a Cellular Telephone Plan:
Collect information from your family, friends, or consumer agencies such as Consumer Reports. Then decide on a cellular telephone provider, choosing the company that you feel offers the best service. Once you have selected a service provider, research the various types of individual plans offered by the company by visiting the provider’s website. You must look at 4 or more providers. Create a PowerPoint Slide(s) to answer