An Educator's Primer: 100 General Accommodations

Submitted By shale02
Words: 740
Pages: 3

An Educator’s Primer
100 General Accommodations
Instructional Modification Menu

1. Provide study carrels.
2. Use room dividers.
3. Provide headsets to muffle noise.
4. Seat child away from doors/windows.
5. Seat near model (student or teacher).
6. Provide time-out area.
7. Rearrange student groups (according to instructional needs, role models, etc.).
8. Group for cooperative learning.
9. Vary working surface (e.g., floor or vertical surface such as blackboards).
10. Simplify/shorten directions.
11. Give both oral and written directions.
12. Have student repeat directions.
13. Have student repeat lesson objective.
14. Ask frequent questions.
15. Change question level.
16. Change response format (e.g., from verbal to physical; from saying to pointing).
17. Provide sequential directions (label as first, second, etc.).
18. Use manipulatives.
19. Alter objective criterion level.
20. Provide functional tasks (relate to child’s environment).
21. Reduce number of items on a task.
22. Highlight relevant words/features.
23. Use rebus (picture) directions.
24. Provide guided practice.
25. Provide more practice trials.
26. Increase allocated time.
27. Use a strategy approach.
28. Change reinforcers.
29. Increase reinforcement frequency.
30. Delay reinforcement.
31. Provide error drill.
32. Use specific rather than general praise.
33. Have a peer tutor program.
34. Provide frequent review.
35. Have student summarize at end of lesson.
36. Use self-correcting materials.
37. Adapt test items for differing response modes.
38. Provide mnemonic devices.
39. Provide tangible reinforcers.
40. Use behavioral contracts.
41. Establish routines for handing work in, heading papers, etc.
42. Use timers to show allocated time.
43. Teach self-monitoring.
44. Provide visual cues (e.g., posters, desktop number lines, etc.).
45. Block out extraneous stimuli on written material.
46. Tape record directions.
47. Tape record student responses.
48. Use a study guide.
49. Provide critical vocabulary list for content material.
50. Provide essential fact list.
51. Use clock faces to show classroom routine times.
52. Use dotted lines to line up math problems or show margins.
53. Use cloze procedures to test comprehension.
54. Provide transition directions.
55. Assign only one task at a time.
56. Provide discussion questions before reading.
57. Use word markers to guide reading.
58. Alter sequence of presentation.
59. Enlarge or highlight key words on test items.
60. Provide daily and weekly assignment sheets.
61. Post daily/weekly schedule.
62. Use graph paper for place value or when adding/subtracting two digit numbers.
63. Establish rules and review frequently.
64. Teach key direction words.
65. Use distributed practice.
66. Provide pencil grips.
67. Tape paper to desk.
68. Shorten project assignment into daily tasks.
69. Segment directions.
70. Number (order) assignments to be completed.
71. Change far-point to near-point material for copying or review.
72. Put desk close to blackboard.
73. Incorporate currently popular themes/characters