Matt Taibbi's Too Big To Jail

Words: 938
Pages: 4

1. What is blowback? How might understanding the theory of blowback help Americans make sense of world politics? (3-4 sentences)
A blowback is the repercussion of the United States involvement globally, which have been kept hidden from the American people. The understanding of the blowback theory will open the eyes of Americans as they will be able to understand what the reason behind terrorist attacks is, why certain political plays are being made, and of whose interest. The CIA had trained and taught Osama bin Laden when they needed help fighting the Soviet Union and turned their backs on them once the goal was completed. He bit back with the event of 9/11 which was a blowback of the United States involvement. Many of the international policies that are passed are to help keep the military presence active in other countries allowing the United States to maintain power. In the article, it
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Describe the main arguments made by Matt Taibbi in “Too Big to Jail.” (3-4 sentences)
The main arguments made by Tabbi in “Too Big to Jail” are that the banks continued to violate laws and policies and work with terrorist, money laundering and are not being punished for the crimes they commit since the government is essentially too scared of them. Many major banks around the world continue to support people that have bad intentions without caring about the consequences, it’s all about the money for them. The HSBC continues to get away with money laundry, not reviewing alerts of suspicious activity, and much more. This is because the government believes that any harsh punishment such as giving jail time to CEO’s would destabilize banking and many jobs would be lost. It is similar to the economic class of the United States as the top 1% continued to get richer by avoiding jail in this instance, while the lower class are put in jail for the simplest thing. It is ridiculous as it infers that money can buy your way out of anything and still continue to commit the