Mckeel Football Argumentative

Words: 651
Pages: 3

Nathaniel Andrews
Mrs. Cafarchio
English 1
15 February 2018

McKeel Football Argumentative Football is famous but also is almost like a tradition (if you will) in the United States, but recent documentation suggests that although football is a great sport that provides adults and kids with athleticism along with inspiration, it has its setbacks that are very severe when contributing to the players personal health. If it’s such an inspiring sport and has its physical attributes towards football players, should Mckeel host a youth football club even if their are severe consequential outcomes? Here’s some reasons why Mckeel should host a youth football club. I believe in the fact that mckeel should contribute to efforts in a youth
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According to The New York Times, under the heading (The Rising Costs of Youth Sports, in Money and Emotion, 1) it reads about three men: the first by the name of John Amaechi, second being Mike Trombley, and thirdly being Travis Dorsch. These three men grew up in a sporting career that led to future development in their life’s. They started from the lowest of the ranks, gradually building up to accomplish their lifetime goal. With this in mind, they created a legacy of their own. Which would continue to inspire a even greater …show more content…
According to ( under the heading (Players Face Head-Injury Risk Before The N.F.L.), it says that “Only in the 21st century have helmet manufacturers begun to focus on directly protecting against concussions.” “A Riddell model features six accelerometers and a wireless data-transfer system that can alert trainers to any dangerous hits that might otherwise go unnoticed.” Clearly, this shows why mckeel should contribute to creating a youth football team because even though there's still setbacks in technology, it’s a step in the direction to prohibiting football players from suffering head trauma or