Medea Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 187
Pages: 1

In Act I of Euripides drama Medea, Medea has just realized that her husband Jason, had married a Greek woman named Creusa. Medea is intelligent and emotional in Act !. Medea is clearly upset and characterizing her as emotional is an understatement. During a moment of self pity she says “ Hear me, God, let me die. What I need: all dead, all dead, all dead (line 63)”. This is just on occasion when Medea shows how emotional she is and how she really feels about the situation Jason put her in. Alouth Medea is emotional, she also is intelligent and convinces Creon to give her more time before she is exiled and gets Aegeus to take her side of the situation. Medea say to Aegeus “I know the remedies-that would make a dry stick flame into fire