Media Concentration and Consumer Welfare Essay example

Submitted By rmartoni
Words: 453
Pages: 2

Rosalena Martoni
Mass Media
Mr. Gardner
Per. 3
26 October 2012
Reaction Paper The idea of both sides of Deregulations and Regulations are on three articles on Media Concentration and Consumer Welfare. These three articles are public interest standard. “Results for consumers if better, more cutting edge products at lower prices” said Powell. As for Bagdikian / McChesney, they stated, “large corporations own subsidiaries in every medium, for examples like books, television, magazines, radio, newspapers. When we talk about Deregulations and Regulations, they are both making a content of a profit. Deregulation advances the options available to consumers, lowers their bills and brings them higher value. The pro-market policies of the United States have yielded enviable productivity in our economy, jobs for our citizens, and a higher standard of living than nearly any other country in the world. The public interest standard and our commitment to it should not stand for the conviction that markets are consumers unfriendly and cannot be trusted; assuming that they go to excess, that they always fail. Denying or delaying consumer’s benefits to the consuming public is a rule that constrains markets. Powell said, “Contrary to the classic bugaboo that markets just favor big business and big money, market policies have a winning record of delivering benefits to consumers”. It dwarfs the consumer record of government central economic. Regulations the media giants, the government has served as the handmaiden to these electronic robber barons. For 100 years, U.S laws and regulations forbade film studios from owning movie theaters, and television networks from producing their own entertainment programs. The newspaper industry underwent consolidation from the 1960s until 1980s. For example, they said, “serious journalism has been greatly diminished. The reason is simple: Good