Member Of The Club Graham Analysis

Words: 1376
Pages: 6

Encircled by its history of racial divide and enclosed by its allowance of de facto segregation, Princeton University and the university’s admission policy of Black students is a racy subject. Lawrence Graham, alumni of Princeton University, explains his perspective of the racial tensions in the eighties during his stay on campus. In Member of the Club Graham describes the hatred and segregation felt by both sides of the argument. Chapter 9, Under Side of Paradise exhibits aspect of the Societalist, Culture, Group, Networks, and Interactionist perspectives. The examples of social recognition of class, race, and social norm of the college validate not only Graham’s perspective of his experience but also the environment of Princeton at the time. The main premise of the Societalist perspective is society should be analyzed as a whole. Societalist perceive society based off of a community rather than an individual person. Societalist structure society on the roots of solidarity. Member of the Club is an example organic solidarity organized by economic class and race. The theoretical perspective explains the case because it explains social class on and off campus. Outside of Princeton University, Graham indicates that the societal hierarchy is structured mainly with occupation in mind. He notes that he lived down the street from Mrs. Kramer, his …show more content…
Group perspective has a foundation in Marx’s historical materialism and the laws of distribution. Together the two ideal sets state the economic nature of history and how it affects the distribution of power. In Member of the Club, Graham gives a description of Princeton’s history of not accepting the black students. The theoretical perspective, Group perspective, explains this case because it fits the notion that Princeton’s admission board unequally distributed privilege and prestige based off of race