Memory Notes Essay

Submitted By wilhelm99
Words: 557
Pages: 3

- An indication or persistent learning over time - Our ability to store and retrieve information - The Forgetting Curve (Ebbinghaus) The Root of Remembering - For most information to be remembered it must first pass through our sensory memory (visual, auditory) - The brief recording of sensory information - Time: < 0.5 second (visual) Encoding: Automatic vs. Effortful - Automatic Processing: unconscious encoding (Space, Time, Frequency, Well Learned Info) - Effortful- the process of selective looking, listening, smelling, tasting, and feeling - attending to something attaching meaning - Cocktail party effect- what if someone yells your name across the bar? Your attention shifts - Filtering theory- CNS filters out all irrelevant information at any given moment Short Term Memory - Briefly stores and works on incoming information from our sensory memory - Encoding- brains way of getting information in, thru rehearsal - STM Capacity: 7 +- 3 bits of information - As much as can be repeated/rehearsed in 1.5 - 2 seconds - Capacity lessens during multi-tasking (Morris) - Chunking: the process of grouping information into meaningful units - Chase and Ericsson (1982)- Dario Donatelli - Decay Theory- passage of time causes forgetting, due to distractions, retrieval failure - Peterson study (count down from 167) - Interference Theory- information gets mixed up, pushed aside, by new incoming information - Recall- memory in which you must retrieve info learned earlier - Recognition- need only identify previously learned info - Rote: - repeating info over and over - five times - Elaborative: - relating new info to something we already know - more efficient, particularly long-term - Serial Position Effect- performance is better at beginning and end of lists of unrelated items - Primacy Effect- The ability to recall items listed first the best - Recency Effect- The ability to recall items listed last the best Long Term Memory - Explicit- intentionally committed to / retrieved from memory - Semantic - storage for general facts and information (George Washington, 2x2, Inventor of Light bulb) - Episodic - - storage for specific information that has personal meaning (16th birthday, first ticket, summer vacation) - Implicit- unintentionally committed to / retrieved from memory - Procedural - storage for our motor skills and habits (knowing how to: ice skate,