Mental Health Issues In Sports Research Paper

Words: 797
Pages: 4

There are many issues surrounding sport and these are the things that change sport from being a game and turn it into a huge controversy. Some of the issues that surround this topic are, misuse of performance enhancing drugs, cheating (like the recent ball tampering that the Australian Cricket Team took part in) and Mental Health. This Essay will highlight the definition of mental health and what it means for the players involved, why does sport affect a player’s mental wellbeing, it will explain one famous athlete that has experienced severe mental illness, what can be done to help players with mental illness and then conclude on one final sum up of this topic

Mental health illnesses are a severe problem that all players around the world face. According to
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It’s usually hard to say as most players will just put on a façade and pretend to be happy when they are suffering a mental illness. The amount of pressure put on player these days is extreme they want to win because of fame or money or just to make themselves feel better, and they will give anything up for it, even their wellbeing. Or maybe they feel pressure because of all their fans and they want them to win and if they don’t they feel like they don’t deserve the attention this can lead to anxiety and depression. Another large reason why players suffer mental illness isn’t even their fault, they may be born with it. Diseases and Syndromes such as, Bipolar, Chronic depression, Autism, ADHD and other anger disorders may be totally involuntary and has been happening since you were really, young. For players it’s like this, every single game they play they try to be the “hero” to win the game for their team, if they stuff up a kick or call at the wrong time they will feel crap and they finish the game thinking they are useless to their team. This kind of thinking maybe be seen as stupid to the people watching but the pressure put on them is