Mental Illnesses Are Socially Acceptable

Words: 558
Pages: 3

First, we need to define what is mental illness “it refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors. Many people have mental health concerns from time to time.

I do not agree with this statement “mental illnesses are simply behaviors that are not considered socially acceptable “, because mental illnesses are not just simply behaviors that are not socially accepted, this goes beyond that point, mental illnesses are biological brain issues that it must be take care with professional in different areas to give the opportunity to the patient to have an excellent quality of life.
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The primary doctors sometimes do not have the expertise to recognize people with mental issues and refer them to the psychiatrist, I think primary doctor should have more training to diagnose mental illness correctly. On the other hand, we must be careful over diagnosing the mental illness and give the control to the pharmaceutical industry and some politicians to do lobby in the congress to pass laws to spend excess money in medication for mental illness, so the doctors start referring medication to people that they do not even have any mental illness condition.

Of course, individuals diagnosed with mental health problems face discrimination due the lack of education in this theme within society, besides we stigmatize people with mental illnesses as violent people, so we isolate them instead of giving them the chance to be involve in a certain activity to make them feel productive and useful for the community and the