Mentoring Diversity

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Pages: 4

To better attract and retain their best employees, the technology company in Silicon Valley should look to: 1) provide mentorship and sponsorship programs (especially for female employees) and 2) hire a diversity officer. Mentors act as a guide to mentees and assist them in gaining the proper qualities, skills and confidence needed to achieve career success. On the other hand, sponsors may help individuals advance in their careers. Workplace sponsoring and mentoring programs give employees greater satisfaction and help employees execute their duties more effectively. It is through creating relationships with mentors and sponsors that make opportunities for career advancement accessible and possible. A company’s provision of mentorship and …show more content…
There are many benefits that arise from having diversity in the workplace. Employees from unique and different backgrounds can put forward a wide variety of skills/expertise, talents and experience, that may be valuable and beneficial to the company and the work environment. Diversity also creates innovation. Working with individuals of diverse backgrounds and skills may help generate more creative and newer ideas/concepts. An organization that incorporates diversity into their company culture will attract a larger range of candidates (helps grow a company’s talent pool). Lastly, diversity improves the work and performance of employees in general. Employees will likely feel more at ease working in an environment where diversity is valued and prioritized. A company having a diversity officer will allow employees to feel more more comfortable and confident in their own abilities. Being in a comfortable environment may increase the productivity of employees’ work …show more content…
This group will be able to bring in new perspectives and ideas because they are more diverse to the extent that its members have more varied exposure to other areas throughout the organization (cognitive diversity). Cognitively diverse teams can generate higher quality decision-making, produce greater innovations, and allows for greater ability to resolve a wide variety of problems. The members of this R&D unit have weak ties (extended network), which provides access to breadth of information, new perspectives and