Mentoring In The Workplace

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Pages: 8

To progress in any organization there are two things that you will find mentoring and professional development. It has been around for ages with many famous mentors of all time like Confucius, and Ghandi. I will look over articles that discuss the meaning of mentoring in a workplace and its many relationships that it entails. So by looking at the many definitions of mentoring, and the functions of mentoring social and career related. Also, discuss modern mentoring programs and its outcomes. So as organizations have and will continue to use mentoring it’s important to look at an organizational relationships of mentoring. Also, focus on the different levels of the mentor and the protégé, and the career and social support necessary to be successful …show more content…
It’s a web based platform that allows employees to join and direct their own learning through topics of mutual interest such as communication, leadership, and networking (Emelo, Shift your Focus with modern mentoring, 2015). For this particular company there was 85 percent of participants who said they can use the learning from the program back on the job (Emelo, Shift your Focus with modern mentoring, 2015). Speaking on the same issue of modern mentoring there was a company that used modern mentoring software to integrate into a two-week training event. This allowed the company to transform training into a more relative and constant learning process (Emelo, Shift your Focus with modern mentoring, 2015). This article also used the idea of mentoring as a productivity tool. Meaning people are able to learn from their peers and colleagues (Emelo, Shift your Focus with modern mentoring, 2015). This is where HR would come in –talent development- can use modern mentoring for groups that are focused on specific topics to cross train employees across the organization, special learning projects that immerse employees in a topic or area, and something called performance conversations. These are between the mangers and the employees that take performance management issues and provide a way that the employees to do something about them (Emelo, Shift your Focus …show more content…
One that stood out was the idea of career related type of mentoring-which involves the following increasing the employees exposure, supply protection, assign challenging assignments, and coaching (Payne & Huffman, 2005). In an article by Ortiz-Walters, mentorship collaborations are looked at. Mentorship collaborations are defined as the mentor and protégé are contributing to accomplish a mutual objective and will result in personal learning and the success depends on the efforts of the pair as one (Ortiz-Walters, 2009). Mentors are said to elevate the One key difference from the traditional mentoring is that this collaboration is just that, the other way around it’s only the mentor who is contributing and the protégé is to learn from its mentor. Another type of relationship that will be looked at more closely later is the informal and formal relationship of mentoring, formal is the one more used where the organization assigns protégés to the mentor (O'Neill, 2005). The article by O’Neill describes the career and another one psychosocial that is described as enhancing the protégés sense of competence and