Mercury Planet Research Paper

Words: 707
Pages: 3

“Gravity may put the planets into motion, but without the divine power it could never put them into such circulating motion as they have about the sun; and therefore, for this as well as other reasons, I am compelled to ascribe the frame of this system to an intelligent agent.”(Isaac Newton) There are eight planets in our solar system and each one of them are unique in their own ways. Every planet has a different type of surface, atmosphere, and number of moons.

Mercury is the first planet in our solar system closest to the sun and it doesn't have any moons. Mercury doesn’t really have an atmosphere it is a thin exosphere. The exosphere is made of atoms blasted off the surface by solar winds and striking meteoroids. The solar radiation pressure
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The pressure of the atmosphere is so, powerful that it squeezes gases into liquids. Saturn has the same type of surface as jupiter swirling gases and liquids. Any spacecraft that would try to land would melt, crush, and vaporize.

Uranus is surrounded by 13 rings and 27 moons. Uranus's atmosphere is mostly mostly hydrogen and helium. Also has a small amount of methane in its atmosphere. The methane gives uranus its blue color. Uranus is an ice planet its mass is made up of 80% or more of hot dense fluid of icy materials. This planet is also, like jupiter and saturn doesn’t have a true surface just swirling liquids.

Neptune has 13 moons the first moon named Triton was discovered by William Lassell on October 10 1846. Neptune's atmosphere extends far out into space it gradually goes into water and other melted ices. Neptune gets its blue color just like how Uranus gets its blue color from the atmospheric methane. Methane absorbs red light so only blue shows up when we look at it .Neptune may be the most windiest planet in our solar system. Winds can get up to 1,200 mph a storm as big as earth blew across Neptune at 700