Mercutio In Romeo And Juliet

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Pages: 4

Although, numerous people endeavor to be worth remembering, only a minuscule amount of people are memorable because of their unforgettable personalities. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio is an unforgettable character, making him memorable and essential to the play because of his fascinating personality. Mercutio is audacious as he is consistently willing to take risks for the welfare of Romeo and his city. His loyal personality toward Romeo is perceptible as he constantly supports Romeo and aids him stop obsessing over Rosaline. Lastly, Mercutio is impulsive as he hastily challenges Tybalt before he passes-away, which has an abundant impact on Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio, renowned as one of Shakespeare’s greatest creations, is a memorable character because of his audacious, loyal and …show more content…
As Mercutio endeavors to convince Romeo to attend the Capulet Feast and provides him worthy love advice, he mentions; “If love by rough with you, be rough with love;/ Prick love by pricking and you beat love done” (I.iv.27-28). While Romeo is devastated because of his absurd love towards Rosaline, Mercutio aids him get over her and prevents him from eventually falling into depression. Furthermore, Mercutio convinces Romeo to go the Capulet Feast, where Romeo and Juliet first meet, consequently making him an imperative character. Without Mercutio, Romeo and Juliet would have never met as Romeo would have been still obsessing over Rosaline, proving how Mercutio is essential to the story. Mercutio’s noble deeds authenticates his loyalty for Romeo as he always helps him, whether if it is getting over Rosaline or standing up for Romeo. Mercutio’s loyal character allows the play to develop a story and makes it interesting as he persistently aids Romeo, proving he is a memorable character and the story will be dull without