Essay on Metals and Metals Compounds Revision

Submitted By Lammietrevenna1
Words: 853
Pages: 4

Why are metals useful? metals are good conductors of heat and electricity most non-metallic elements are poor conductors of heat and electricity There is a range of metals, lots of different uses, and where they are found? Where do we get metals (iron, zinc, copper, lead, gold, silver) from, what are they used for? make a comparison of the properties of non-metals and metals and to explain what makes metals useful eg consider the properties - heat/electricity conduction, melting/boiling points, density, malleability (how easy to bend and shape), dull/shiny, strength there are similarities in the ways in which metals react chemically identify carbon (in graphite form) as a non-metallic conductor make some generalisations about the properties of metals which make them useful, eg they are hard, they can be flexible don't confuse non-metallic elements with other non-metallic materials consider the chemical reactions of metals and acids and to begin to represent these symbolically find out about ways in which metals have been used in the past, eg in jewellery

What happens when metals react with acids?

that some metals (eg Zn, Fe, Mg, Ca) react with dilute acids to form salts and release hydrogen signs of reaction, colour changes, bubbles, and to carry out a test for hydrogen to represent the reactions of metals with dilute acids by word equations and explain the similarities between them eg to identify patterns in reactions between metals and dilute acids to use patterns in reactions to make predictions about other reactions, predict that hydrogen and the appropriate salt will be made as a result of the reaction use the formulae of the reactants and products to explain how atoms join in different ways as a result of the reaction When calcium is used with sulphuric acid, there will be very little reaction because insoluble calcium sulphate is formed.

How do acids react with metal carbonates? that acids react with metal carbonates, producing water, carbon dioxide and a salt that production of new materials and energy changes are evidence of chemical reactions what happens when acids, eg hydrochloric, sulphuric, nitric, react with a range of carbonates, eg sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate, copper carbonate what is similar about the reactions? use word equations - produce general word equation is a gas made? how do you know and what is it? are there colour changes? does the test tube get hot or cold? ie record evidence of a chemical reaction taking place. given the formulae of a variety of metal carbonates and their corresponding chlorides, sulphates and nitrates, and invite pupils in groups to work out the products of some reactions between metal carbonates and acids note that nitrate and sulphate, and sometimes carbonate, are ‘groups’ of atoms which often stay together in chemical reactions begin to represent these reactions by symbol equations. What evidence is there of a chemical reaction between acids and metal oxides? that acids react with metal oxides, producing a salt and water, general word equation that production of the salt is evidence of a chemical reaction, colour changes to represent reactions of acids with metal oxides by word equations (pattern, formulae help) carry out a reaction between a metal oxide and an acid (preferably one that produces a coloured salt, eg