Methylation In Epigenetics

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Pages: 5

Epigenomes are a playbook for the human genetic sequence. The Epigenome instructs genes when to act, how much to express, restrict or inhibit its effects. In the Nova Science video I was surprised to be informed that genes did not have the last say, the epigenome does. What I found to be most interesting was that we can alter our epigenetic heritability for future generations by practicing healthful habits. As the body ages and changes so does our coding in epigenetics.
Research Findings
Throughout the human lifetime various phenotypic traits are altered through methylation and histone placement on the chromatin structure that is the human DNA strand. The process of methylation is defined as the covalence of atoms on the chromatin that bond
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The purpose of the epigenome is to shut off certain segments of the DNA so the cell can be applied to where it is needed within the body. Often times the genes that need to be curtailed are not. These genes can result in abnormalities in the sequence that causes cancer and other chronic illnesses.
Aberrant repetition and or lack thereof repetition called hyper and hypo methylation causes instability within the structure of the genetic sequence. Instability is not the only result of the disrupted methylation process. There are various effects of methylation that lead to cancer like the loss of imprinting. Imprinting is the ability of other healthy genes in the same section to replicate in a parent of origin sense being mitosis. Another effect is the rapid expression of oncogenes which are already faulty inherited genes that cause cancer. (1)
A study in the article reported about 800 abnormal genes with repressive and methylated functions between several patients who participated in the study. The abnormal functioning of these genes was triggered in the developmental stages which later on lead to cancer in adulthood. Leading researchers to believe in a protein related stem cell corruption in utero. Gopalakrishnan, et al (2008) Since epigenetic instructions can be altered by unhealthful habits and free radicals it is of the utmost importance to keep in mind what one does and what one is exposed
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Most everyone in my family is allergic to canines, felines, birds, dust, pollen particles in the South Florida region. Many of my relatives have heart conditions, are hypertensive, have hypothyroidism, and have degenerative lower spinal conditions, my parents included. I have seen the effects of epigenetic inheritance in my own body by the age of 20. At 12 I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism with Hashimoto’s disease, which is an immune disorder also marked by altered methylation and histone placement by which my own immune system attacks my thyroid. Earlier this year in March I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis in my L5 & S1 vertebra. This condition too is genetically inherited by which both of my parents have the same disease. Each has had 2 surgeries to correct the narrowing of their spinal cord by overgrowth of the vertebra and which is what I am to expect sometime in my