Midst Of A Zombie Trend In Popular Culture

Words: 390
Pages: 2

Readers Response Week 8
Olympia Hernandez
September 11, 2014
Instructor: Donna Spehar

Readers Response Week 8
Why are we in the midst of a zombie trend in popular culture right now? Zombies have influenced our popular culture from movies, television and videogames. Zombies are trending at this moment there are many films such as Zombie land, Warm Bodies and Television series on AMC “The Walking Dead”. Although our culture happens to be going through many crises such as Ebola, financial crisis, H1N1 and these threats somehow tie together with zombies. That is why zombies are a metaphor of what is going on in our world today for example “if a zombie bites a human then they become a zombie”. (Drezner, 2013)
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