Military Leadership Definition

Words: 916
Pages: 4

My definition of leadership is the ability one possesses that leads a group of people to accomplish tasks that they did not think they could do by themselves, or was not willing to do so on their own. It involves having a clear vision and being able to share that vision with others, and being able to get others to follow along willingly. The leader does this by balancing all the conflicts and interests of all the sailors and the program.
The best leadership that I have experienced in my career was from my first Engineering Department Master Chief (EDMC) at my last command. He had the ability to show us that everything we do should have a purpose behind it. If not, we were just spinning our wheels. Throughout his time as EDMC he constantly showing the Chief’s this. Looking back, I realize he did not just tell us this, but rather showed this to us time and time again. By asking us leading questions, he was able to get the right answer rather than just telling us the answer. After the fact, he would explain how right and wrong looked within the extensive picture. He gave us context to help us
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I tend to be an “all or nothing type of guy”. So when I see a problem, bring it up to the appropriate level and feel like their answer is not right or in a timely manner, I tend to be the loudest in the room and will not let it go until I have fixed it. Nor will I let them handle it beyond this point. This tends to cause issues within the Chief quarters. I rationalize this by the ends justify the means and many people take my passion for this personally. Instead, I need to paint the picture, allow them to come up with the answer, and be there to help if asked and not just steamroll over them. I expect high standards for my sailors and continue to move the carrot without them knowing it, tying to make them better and better behind the