Minnechaug Experience Analysis

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Pages: 4

Reflecting on my experiences at Minnechaug Regional High School, I'm halfway through my senior year, counting down the days until I get to graduate. The long journey of grade school is finally coming to an end, as I plan to pursue a high level of education at a 4-year university. Being so close to completion, I want to reflect on what impacted my experience. I want to know what shaped me into the person I am today. As I reminisce over all the valuable minutes I spent with my friends during high school, I can’t help but wonder why I’d only started doing it this year. Almost every day this year, I found myself staying in the building. Whether it's for sports, club activities, or doing homework with my friends in the calculus teacher's room, I …show more content…
These relationships lead me to stay after more, and actually wanting to go to school more. When I think about what my future self will be doing, I see myself working for a big corporation in the financial industry. Both my parents do analytical work for big-name companies, which I hope to do as well. I always enjoy reading my mother’s slideshows as to why they should use this cash register at this location. With this interest in numbers and data, I've enrolled in some of the more difficult math classes at Minnechaug, including BC Calculus, AP Statistics, and Honors Math Analysis. Although very difficult, these classes have expanded my knowledge of the power of numbers. I take pride in the fact that I was the junior in AP statistics and one of very few students to ever switch from AB to BC Calculus at Minnechaug. I am able to feel proud of the way I was able to go against the norm and out of my comfort zone that I lived in throughout the first half of my high school career. For whichever college I end up at, I hope to pursue these ideas of pushing myself harder than everyone else around me and doing more than what the average person …show more content…
My younger brother, a sophomore, also plays a key role in my life. I want to be the best bigger brother and role model he can be. I take pride in his success, as deep down I know I have something to do with it. Finally, the last person to mention is my father. My father is away every other week for his job out in Boston, so we don’t get to see him that often. Knowing this hurts him, he still does, so my brother and I don’t have to worry about future student debt. This might be my ultimate motivation, because whenever I’m feeling lazy, I think of how hard my dad is working so I can have a better life. For all these efforts, I want to repay him when I'm older, but that will only happen if I truly put my all into everything I do. Despite all the motivation and people surrounding me to aid me in my journey to reach my goals, I still had to learn how to truly work hard. I can thank my neighbors for giving me the opportunity to learn from their hard work. They hired me, at the ripe age of 13, to take care of their yard. I quickly learned all the proper techniques for mowing a lawn and taking care of mulch