Mis Cheapter Question Essay

Submitted By LucasMrG
Words: 670
Pages: 3

Chapter Questions

Prepare your daily questions and submit them to the blackboard dropbox on the day indicated on the syllabus.

Reading the book, and preparing the chapter questions and bringing them to class to discus will help you learn the material, in addition to doing well on the exams.

(Some of these you may not be able to fully answer until after lecture, but try your best. Hint: Google can help )

Chapter 3
Disruptive Technologies 1) What is a Disruptive Technology? A new way of doing things that initially does not meet the needs of existing customers

i) How is it different from a Sustaining Technology? Sustaining is the product that customer already know and want to buy. ii) Be able to give examples from class discussion Like at first the early time camera was a sustaining product people familiar with. And when Kodak first invention the digital camera that was a disruptive technology. really big and low quality, no one want to use that. iii) What kind of a threat are Disruptive Technologies (in a Porter sense)? The disruptive technologies will open a new market and destroy old one. iv) Why do sustaining technology manufacturers find it difficult to recognize the threat of disruptive technologies? Because when the disruptive first come out, it’s really hard to find out if this technology will work. They usually was inconvenient. 2) Understand the diagram that we will go over in class. Be able to recreate it, and understand what each line and point represents. 3) Speaking in terms of disruptive and sustaining technologies, what did we discuss is meant by a company being able to transform? First company havs to focus on the sustaining product because at this time all customer want these product. And when the market growth. There are some customers want higher services like sustaining product, so the company havs to start to work on the disruptive technology. At same time they also have to improve their sustaining product too. Then at the late time almost every customer want to disruptive product.

eBusiness 1) What is eBusiness, and how does eBusiness change the “rules” of business, if at all? Ebusiness includes ecommerce along with all activities related to internal and external business operations. 2) What are the advantages of eBusiness? Expanding global reach, opening new markets, reducing cost, improving operation, and improving effectiveness. 3) Why would eBusiness be characterized as “aggregating available demand”? 4) What are the Four eBusiness Models? B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C 5) Be able to give an example of each, and reflect on