Mississippi Trial Analysis

Words: 532
Pages: 3

Mario Blake
Educator Sarah Laskowski
English 3
November 15 , 2017

Mississippi Trial

A boy named Hiram was in the south in a place called greenwood around the time before the time of the civil rights movement was about to begin. Hiram had a grandfather and grandmother he lived with while he was a child, his parents were off in arizona in school trying to get their education. Hiram never understood why his father and grandfather never got along until he got older but that's later in the story. Hiram used to do everything with his grandfather until his dad wanted him to move back in arizona with him and his mother. He didn't want to leave his grandfather because after his grandmother died, Hiram felt that his grandfather would have been lonely and would
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Once he turned 17 he got a call from his grandfather from greenwood & he wanted hiram to come over to greenwood for the summer. When hiram saw his grandfather again he was so happy , He realized different things in greenwood had changed a little bit while he was in arizona. While he was in the north he got older and realized that the south was full of racist people and they didn’t like black people down there that much. Hiram got to meet his grandfather and realized nothing was different about his home and he liked that, He went around the neighborhood and saw some of his old friends he always was with when he was younger. He met up with 1 old friend named R.C and he didn’t look the same he was always 2 years older then hiram. R.C looked way older than he was because he drank 40oz and smoked cigarettes, R.C and hiram always fished at a pond when they were younger. When they met again they both decided to go fishing together to catch up on things about greenwood. While they were fishing catching up on things, hiram met a negro boy named Emmett a funny boy that hiram remembered from his